Diet and Metabolism
- Polyunsaturated Fats Increased Benefits
Polyunsaturated fats are mainly omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Omega-3 fats are a key family of polyunsaturated fats (EPA/DHA/ALA) that humans must get from food. Omega-3s are beneficial for the heart and brain health: they lower blood pressure and heart rate, improve blood vessel function, reduce triglycerides and system inflammation. They are good for eye health and skin appearance. Scientific studies show that omega-3s can help fight depression and improve attention. Along with omega-3 fats, omega-6 fats play a crucial role in brain function, and normal growth and development. Omega-6s help stimulate skin and hair growth, maintain bone health, regulate metabolism, and maintain the reproductive system. Several large-scale studies identified genetic variations in and near the FADS enzymes that interfere with metabolism of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. While both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential for human body, a healthy diet should contain an equal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3. The main problem with a typical Western diet is that it contains way too many Omega-6s relative to Omega-3s.
- Follow general recommended guidelines for the intake of omegas.
- Aim to eat fish high omega fats two to three times a week.
- These include anchovies, herring mackerel, salmon (wild has more omega-3s than farmed), sardines, lake trout, tuna. Walnuts and flaxseed have omega-3s and 6s too.
- Monounsaturated Fats Increased BenefitsIn addition to tremendous health benefits of omega-3 (alpha linoleic acid) and omega-6 (linoleic acid) fats, there are several other fats that are important for good health. These include monounsaturated (healthier) fatty acids such as omega-7 (palmitoleic acid found in macadamia nuts, for example), omega-9 (oleic acid found in olive oil), as well as some saturated fats (for example, those found in coconut oil or peanuts). These fats are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, lowering triglycerides, reducing blood pressure. The Mediterranean Diet, known for its numerous health benefits, is heavily influenced by monounsaturated fats. They are also good for keeping heart healthy. Good quality monounsaturated fats are also beneficial for skin as they maintain water level in the epidermis and supply the ceramides and fats that keep the bricks and mortar of the skin and hair healthy and intact.
- Follow generally recommended guidelines for monounsaturated fats intake.
- Consumer olive oil and nuts to meet your daily intake needs.
- Trans Fats Sensitivity
Trans fatty acids (trans fats) cannot be synthesized by humans. Trans fats are considered the worst type of fat you can eat. Trans fats are of two types: natural and artificial. Natural trans fats can be found in small quantities in dairy and meat products. Artificial trans fats are created in an industrial process that adds hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils, producing partially hydrogenated oils. Trans fats are linked to adverse health outcomes: they raise bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and lower good cholesterol levels (HDL), increase risk of developing heart diseases and type 2 diabetes. It is common knowledge that trans-fats are not healthy. People with genetic variants in or near the fatty acid desaturase (FADS1 and 2) cluster are more sensitive to adverse effects of trans fats.
- While you may not have genetic predisposition to higher sensitivity to trans fats, it is still a good idea to monitor your trans fats intake. Follow general guidelines on consumption of trans-fats.
- The American Heart Associations recommends to limit the amount of trans fats to less than 1 percent of your total daily calories.
- Overweight Potential
Multiple studies have demonstrated a significant role for genetics in overweight potential and obesity. Genetic variations influencing our propensity to gaining and keeping extra weight are not uncommon. The genes that were once beneficial to our ancestors during food shortages have become liabilities in today's environment of food excess. Some people have the tendency to gain weight through fat consumption. Variants in the FTO, FABP2 and PPARG genes have been found to be associated with this problem. Variants in two lipolytic receptors in fat cells, ADRB2 and ADRB3, are found to be associated with high BMI and excessive weight gain due to high carb intake, in particular refined carbs. Genetic variants in MC4R gene are associated with increased frequency of snacking, and higher risk of diabetes. While overweight related traits have a significant genetic component, diet, habits, and lifestyle play important roles too.
- Your overall genetics-based propensity for becoming overweight is typical.
- Follow general recommendations to keep a balanced diet and maintain a healthy BMI (20-25)
- To assess your current BMI, use the Mayo Clinic BMI Calculator
- Mediterranean Diet Effectiveness
Mediterranean diet is known to have many health benefits. It is rich in monounsaturated (good) fats that are important in reducing risks of heart disease, increasing good cholesterol, delaying cognitive decline. It is also associated with longevity. Research by Mayo Clinic has shown that the traditional Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of heart disease. The diet has been associated with a lower level of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol — the "bad" cholesterol that's more likely to build up deposits in your arteries. According to the Mayo Clinic, a meta-analysis of more than 1.5 million healthy adults demonstrated that following a Mediterranean diet was associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular mortality as well as overall mortality. The Mediterranean diet is also associated with a reduced incidence of cancer, and Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. Women who eat a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil and mixed nuts may have a reduced risk of breast cancer (Mayo Clinic).
In people with genetic variations in the ADIPOQ, gene and Mediterranean diet also helps to facilitate fat loss and to improve metabolic health. Genetic variations in several other genes, including PPARG, MTHFR, TCF7L2, LPL and MLXIPL, were found to be associated with increased advantage of following the Mediterranean diets.
- Although you are not genetically predisposed for increased effectiveness of the Mediterranean diet, there are substantial health benefits to switching more to that diet.
- This would mean consuming 35% of daily calories from fats, including up to 22% from monounsaturated fats, 20% of good quality proteins from fish and meats, and up to 40% of carbohydrates.
- Check out the Mediterranean diet recipes of Mayo Clinic for inspriation.
- Low-carb Diet Effectiveness
Carbohydrates are the main fuel source, and they provide vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber in the diet. While your body uses carbohydrates as its main fuel source, there are substantial health benefits to limiting your carbohydrate intake. There are two major types of carbohydrates, simple (bad) and complex (good). Simple carbohydrates include sugary foods, pasta, bread, and white rice. Complex carbohydrates are whole grains, and legumes, including brown rice, and whole wheat breads. It is beneficial to eat more complex carbohydrates. People with genetic variations in several genes associated with obesity, insulin sensitivity, and high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) are more sensitive to carbohydrates in their diet. These people may benefit more from low carbohydrate diet that reduces the amount of calories from carbohydrates and consuming nearly equal proportions of fats and proteins. A low-carb diet restricts the type and amount of carbohydrates you eat. In general, a low-carb diet focuses on proteins, including meat, poultry, fish and eggs, and some nonstarchy vegetables. A low-carb diet generally excludes or limits most grains, legumes, fruits, breads, sweets, pastas and starchy vegetables, and sometimes nuts and seeds.
- While you do not seem to be predisposed to carb-sensitivity, try to eat more complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, and legumes, including brown rice, and whole wheat breads.
- Low-carb diets may help prevent or improve serious health conditions, such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. (Mayo Clinic)
- A daily limit of 60 to 130 grams of carbohydrates is typical with a low-carb diet. These amounts of carbohydrates provide 240 to 520 calories.
- Choosing a low-carb diet may improve blood cholesterol or blood sugar levels, at least temporarily (Mayo Clinic)
- Risks: If you suddenly and drastically cut carbs, you may experience a variety of temporary health effects, including headache, bad breath, weakness, fatigue, constipation, or diarrhea.
- Low-fat Diet Effectiveness
General recommendation is to limit fat intake to 35% of total calories and to control saturated fat intake. A low-fat diet restricts fat intake to 20%, while increases protein and complex carbohydrate intake. Monitoring saturated fats is particularly important: at least 12% of daily calories should come from poly- and monounsaturated fats. The other 80% of calories in the diet come from carbohydrates and protein with general recommendations to consume about 55-60% of carbs and 20-25% of proteins. Low fat high protein diet is based on boosting protein intake to 40%, while decreasing carbohydrate intake to 40%. Numerous large-scale studies on weight loss found that people with variations in genes associated with sensitivity to fat (such as FTO, PPARG, APOA2, LIPC) are more responsive to low fat diets if their goal is weight loss.
- There is no increased effectiveness of low-fat diet above normal for your weight loss and healthy weight maintenance.
- However everyone benefits from monitoring fats in the diet, and it is much more important to consume fewer trans- and saturated fats, and more of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats contained in fish, olive oils, avocados and nuts.
- Difficulty in Losing Weight
Not everyone loses weight at the same rate. Some people lose a few pounds a week after they follow any calorie restrictive diet, while others attempt all kinds of trendy weight-loss diets, but do not see results. Studies found that genetics is, at least, in part to blame for difficulty in losing weight. Studies have shown that carriers of some genetic variations have more difficulties losing weight and improving their metabolic health than people with reference, or common, alleles. People with genetic variants associated with obesity, sensitivity to fat (FTO, PPARG), type 2 diabetes (TCF7L2) emotional eating (CLOCK, SIRT1) and food addiction (DRD2), do not lose weight as easily as other people while on the same diet and exercise regiment. It is important to remember that genetics plays role in weight loss and weight maintenance. Some medical conditions and medications can also hinder weight loss. The most common ones are hypothyroidism, hormonal changes in women, chronic stress and depression.
- You do not seem to have genetic-based predisposition towards weight loss difficulty, so you should be able to lose weight with the recommended caloric restrictions recommended by tools like the Mayo Clinic Healthy Weight Pyramid. .
- Make sure to follow the directions of the tool with regards to the optimal intake and eat a healthy and balanced diet. One of the problems with dieting is that people count calories but forget about essential vitamins and minerals.
- Make sure to exercise. numerous studies show that diet alone may not be sufficient for long-term weight-loss. You may need to stay motivated longer to see the impact of your new diet and exercise plan.
- If you are still struggling with weight loss, monitor your alcohol intake.
- Consider discussing with your physician whether any medications or health conditions may interfere with your weight-loss efforts.
- Low Resting Metabolic Rate
Body weight depends on the balance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Energy intake comes from calories consumed, and energy expenditure is the energy that body uses to maintain normal body temperature and essential processes such as metabolism, breathing, brain functioning. Individual differences in the energy cost of self-maintenance (resting metabolic rate, RMR) are substantial, and depend on age, weight, environment, and genetics. The heritability of RMR is 40-50% of the variance remaining after adjustment for age, gender, and fat-free mass. Uncoupling proteins, UCP1 and UCP3, play important roles in regulating body temperature and energy expenditure: these proteins are found in brown fats and they are involved in metabolic process by which energy is dissipated as heat in response to excess of caloric intake and cold stress. People with genetic variations in the UCP genes tend to have lower RMR.
- Given your "normal/fast" resting metabolic rate (RMR) you should be able to burn your calories efficiently, provided you are on a healthy diet and do not have issues with fat or carb processing.
- Calculate your RMR/BMR and the calories you need eat for a particular weight using the USDA Supertracker Calcuator.
- As the RMR tends to decrease with age, most people need to monitor their calorie intake and incorporate physical activities in their daily lives to maintain healthy energy balance.
- To ensure you are eating the right kind of foods, check your NutriNome report to see if you have carb or fat processing predispositions.
- Satiety Impairment
Satiety refers to the physical sensation of fullness from eating. When satiety is normal, the brain receives a signal that enough calories have been consumed, reducing the feeling of hunger. People with genetic variations in the FTO, LEPR and DNMT3B genes are more likely to be eating more without feeling full and satisfied.There is also a correlation between low satiety and weight gain. Genetic variation associated with low satiety are also linked to higher consumption of high-sugar and high-fat foods.
- Your sense of satiety should be in tact and you should stop eating before you feel overly stuffed.
- Keep a healthy diet and exercise as appropriate for your age group.
- Snacking
Some people feel hungry more often than others and are impulsively driven to frequent snacking, which if left unchecked can result in extra weight. Variations in the MC4R, leptin receptor (LEPR), NMB and BDNF genes, have been linked to increased snacking. Genetic variations in the MC4R gene are also significantly associated with higher BMI and obesity.
- You do not seem to have genetic-driven impulse for frequent snacking.
- Keep a healthy diet and exercise as appropriate for your age group.
- Try to eat healthy snacks such as baby carrots and celeries rather than chips and salsa!
- A good goal for a between-meal snack is something with fewer than 100 calories. Generous portions of fruits or vegetables can easily help fill you up while staying below that calorie count.
- Bitter Taste Sensitivity
Taste perception plays a fundamental role in our dietary preferences and behaviors, by shaping aversions (or cravings) to foods and drinks. Adverse responses to bitterness are instinctive and drive rejection and avoidance behaviors. The perception of bitterness is due to genetic variations in several bitter taste receptors: when food enters the mouth, the molecules, like phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) compound, interact with saliva, and then bind to taste receptors in the mouth, giving the sensation of bitter taste. People with these genetic variations are sensitive to bitter vegetables that are beneficial (like broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage) or drinks (like coffee and dark beers). There is a growing evidence that taste genes play a much broader role in human health. A new study found that people who are naturally more sensitive to bitterness are more likely to add sodium to their food, often exceeding recommended daily dietary guidelines. At the same time, these people are more likely to avoid ingredients that are beneficial for health, including dark leafy greens and broccoli.
- You are less likely to experience bitter taste sensitivity when consuming vegetables.
- Continue to eat a variety of vegetables to meet your daily needs.
- Sweet Tooth
A person with a sweet tooth has a higher sugar craving than the average person. If a person has a high sweet tooth predisposition, it is likely that they will often crave sweets and snack on sugary foods. Genetic variations in TAS1R2, GLUT2, FUT1, may be responsible for sugar cravings, and preference of sweet snacks. This may lead to weight gain, elevated glucose levels as well as pose future threats of Type-II diabetes, in particular in people with predispositions to these conditions. Remember, it is recommended that healthy adults may consume of added sugars up to to 150 calories per day (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons) for men, and 100 calories per day (25 grams or 6 teaspoons) for women.
- While you may crave sugars and sugary foods and drinks but this is more likely to be an acquired taste rather than genetically influenced.
- It is very important to monitor your sugar intake. If you are serious about controlling your sugar cravings, it may be easier for you to do than you think.
- Aim at getting your sugar craving naturally. Avoid processed foods, read the labels, do not go hungry, and make sure your blood sugar is stable.
- Eat more greens, fermented foods and sea vegetables.
- Finally. drink plenty of water, exercise, and be outdoors.
- Fat Overconsumption
Fat is a dense source of energy and essential fatty acids, and it also facilitates the absorption of fat soluble vitamins. However too much fat consumption may result in heart disease and becoming overweight. Several recent studies in the US and Europe indicate that the percentage of energy derived from saturated fat is above the acceptable range, while the opposite was observed for mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fat. Several genetic variations are known to influence the amount of fat consumed by individuals and their overall fat intake craving.
- Follow general recommendations for daily consumption of fats. Recommended daily calories from fat should constitute 25-35%.
- Ensure that your diet is full of good (mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated) fats and watch for the bad (saturated) fats.
- If you are not a vegetarian, substitute fatty fish (salmon, mackerel,tuna) instead of meats high in saturated fat.
- Incorporate foods high in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats like avocados, nuts, and olive oil
- Carb Overconsumption
Elite endurance athletes, such as distance runners, road cyclists and triathletes, excel in aerobic performance. They are more likely to have higher proportion of slow-twitch (type I) muscle fibers. In addition, elite endurance athletes have a superior cardiovascular system that maintains optimal control of heart rate, stroke volume, and blood pressure. Elite athletes are likely to have increased fat oxidation capacity and higher lactate threshold that ensures their muscles can function for longer periods of time. Assuming proper nutrition and training, athletic endurance is, in simplest terms, limited by a human's ability to extract oxygen from the environment and deliver it to muscle cells that use it to generate energy. Lifenome computes genetic predisposition likelihood for elite endurance based on 23 genetic variants, taking into account genetics-based endurance and aerobic performance scores.
- Low Protein Intake Risk
Protein is the major structural component of all cells in the body, and functions as enzymes, transport carriers and as some hormones. Large study identified genetic predispositions associated with protein intake. Some genetic variations are associated with a tendency for lower protein intake, while others are found to be associated with higher consumption of protein.
- You do not have any known predispositions that would indicate an impulse for lower protein intake.
- You should be fine consuming proteins up to the levels prescribed by the FDA for the average population.
- Low Vegetable Intake
It is a well-known fact that consumption of fruits and vegetables adds important under-consumed nutrients to diets. Fruits and vegetables reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and some cancers, and help manage weight. Most U.S. residents consume too few fruits and vegetables. It is important to ensure you have adequate amounts of fruits and vegetables in your diet.
- You do not have any known predispositions that would indicate an impulse for lower vegetable intake.
- You should be fine consuming vegetables as prescribed by the FDA for the average population.
- Fat Taste Perception
There is growing evidence that foods we crave are at least partially determined by our genetics. Genetic variation in taste receptors (or taste buds) may account for differences in our food choices and dietary habits. Research reported that people with a variant in the CD36 gene do not taste dietary fats as much. These people crave fats more than people with who detect lower amounts of fats in food. In fact, there is consistent emerging evidence that fat is the sixth primary taste, with some people being genetic super-tasters and others low-tasters of fat. Low fat taste perception is linked with dietary consumption of fatty foods which in combination with other factors lead to extra weight.
- You have a typical taste perception of fat, so you are a so-called super-taster of fat.
- This means that you are likely to perceive fats in your foods and avoid fatty food more readily.
- If you do taste too much fat in food trust your senses and do not continue eating that food.
- Caffeine Metabolism Impairment
Cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) is the main responsible enzyme for the metabolism of caffeine. People with the AA genotype at rs762551 (within the CYP1A2 gene) are fast metabolizers, while those with the AC or CC are slow metabolizers. For people with normal caffeine metabolism it only takes 45 minutes for 99% of the caffeine to be absorbed through these membranes. In humans, the half-life for caffeine is anywhere from 4 to 6 hours on average, which explains why the average energy drink or coffee's effect lasts about 4 to 6 hours. However those with genetic variations impairing their metabolism can become hypersensitive to Caffeine. These people react to very small amounts of caffeine. Even at amounts less than 100 mg, people who are hypersensitive to caffeine can experience overdose symptoms such as insomnia, jitters, and an increased heartbeat. For these people, it can take as much as twice as long for caffeine to metabolized.
- You seem to have a normal predisposition for caffeine metabolism. This means you can usually have 200-400 mg of caffeine daily without any adverse reactions.
- This equates to 2-3 cups of brewed coffee (not Starbucks), two 16 fl.oz. energy drinks, or 7-8 cups of black tea.
- You should not have no trouble sleeping as long as the caffeine is consumed early enough in the day.
- Starch Metabolism
Starch is a complex carbohydrate. Foods high in starch include grains (oats, barley, rice), and starchy vegetables (potatoes, beans, corn, lentils). Starch is metabolized by a digestive enzyme, called amylase. In some people, amylase can account for up to half of total protein in the saliva, while other people have barely detectable levels of this enzyme. Large variation in levels of amylase depends on various factors, including stress, as well as genetics. Interestingly, populations who historically relied on starch (rice, potato) for dietary energy have higher levels of the amylase than populations who consumed high-protein diets. People with high levels of amylase were found to be good metabolizers of starch-rich diet, while people with low levels of amylase enzyme are poor metabolizers of starch, and they may be at greater risk for increased blood glucose levels, insulin resistance and diabetes if they consume starch-rich diets.
- Your ability to metabolize starch-rich diet is typical
- Starchy foods often need to be limited if you're following a low-carb diet.
- However, the U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends you fill one-fourth of your plate with these foods at each meal since they provide essential nutrients.
- Your body needs 5 to 8 ounces per day from the breads and grains group, depending on your age and activity level, at least half of which should come from whole grains. A slice of bread, one-half cup of oatmeal or rice, a mini bagel, a cup of dry cereal and 3 cups of popcorn are all equivalent to 1 ounce.
- You should also consume 4 to 6 cups of starchy vegetables and 1 to 2 cups of beans each week as a part of your daily recommended intake of 2 to 3 cups of vegetables.
- Risk from Saturated Fats
It is no secret that large amounts of saturated fats are not good for anyone. People with genetic variations in the FABP and APOA2 genes were found to be under higher risk of elevated triglycerides, elevated cholesterol and extra weight.
You do not have risk alleles that were found to put you under higher risk for increased triglycerides, cholesterol, and extra weight, if you consume saturated fats. Follow general recommendations.
- Sweet Snack Preference
Scientists from 23andme looked at taste preferences among about over 110,000 customers of European ancestry and identified two genetic biomarkers associated with preference of sweet snacks to salty or savory ones. The study identified variants in two genes, FGF21 and FTO. These genes are not associated with sweet tooth and taste receptors. These genes affect how people metabolize food. This is yet another example that while your culture, habits and your age influence the foods you tend to like, genetics plays it important role too.
- You have a slightly elevated genetics-driven preference for sweet snacks over salty and savory.
- Healthy snacks can satisfy your hunger and keep you from eating extra helpings at your next meal, which can lower total daily calories.
- Snacks can also supply afternoon energy and extra nutrients.
- If you're trying to lose weight, try these 100-calorie snacks: 1 cup sliced bananas and fresh raspberries; 2 cups of carrots; 3 1/2 cups air-popped popcorn; 5 rye or pumpernickel crackers; 2 tablespoons of peanuts; 2 domino-sized slices of low-fat colby or cheddar cheese.

- Vitamin A (Carotene) Deficiency
Vitamin A, the group of fat-soluble vitamins, is essential for immune system functioning, reproduction, healthy vision, maintenance of strong bones and teeth, red blood cell production, tissue repair, and skin health. Vitamin A comes in two forms: biologically active form, retinol, and pro-vitamin A carotenoids (including alpha- and beta-carotenes) that are converted into retinol. Carotenoids are important antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents which have tremendous protective benefits for heart conditions, respiratory problems, elevated glucose levels, and various other ailments. Alpha and beta-carotenes contribute to skin and hair health. Humans cannot produce carotenoids themselves and therefore need it directly from food sources. Carotenoids are generally obtained through plant sources. Carotenoid-rich foods are, often but not always, orange, bright red, or yellow pigmented. In fact, the word carotene comes from the Latin word for carrot. Genetic variants in CD36 and SCARB1 genes have been linked to lower levels of beta-carotene.
- Choline Deficiency
Choline is a water-soluble micronutrient essential for our body. It is not categorized as a mineral and is usually grouped with the B-complex vitamins. Choline is involved in many key processes: methylation reactions, lipid transport, maintenance of the structural integrity of cell membranes, nerve signaling, and metabolism. It is also vital for regulation of homocysteine levels and normal brain functioning. As the liver and muscles are major organs for methyl group metabolism, choline deficiency causes muscle damage and abnormal deposition of fat in the liver. This may result in a condition called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Choline can only be produced in the body in small amounts but it must largely be consumed in the diet for optimal health. Endurance athletes and bodybuilders may be at higher risk for choline deficiency. People who consume a lot of alcohol are also prone to lower levels of choline. Studies recommend to increase choline intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Vitamin A (Retinol) Deficiency
Vitamin A, the group of fat-soluble vitamins, is essential for immune system functioning, reproduction, healthy vision, maintenance of strong bones and teeth, red blood cell production, tissue repair and skin health. Vitamin A comes in two forms: biologically active form, retinol, and pro-vitamin A carotenoids (including beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene) that need to be converted into retinol to be useful in the body. Carotenoids come from plant sources, while retinol comes from animal sources. Some specific immune, inflammatory, genetic, and reproductive-related benefits of vitamin A can only be obtained from the retinoid forms of the vitamin A. These retinoid forms can be especially important with respect to pregnancy and childbirth, infancy, childhood growth, and resistance to infectious disease. Plasma retinol levels do not decline until liver vitamin A sources are almost depleted and thus do not accurately reflect retinol imbalance. Studies show that variations in several key genes in retinol metabolism pathway impair the conversion of carotenoids to retinol, increase breakdown, or decrease absorption of retinoic acid, therefore affecting the levels of retinol.
- Vitamin B1 Deficiency
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), the first vitamin B that was discovered, is sometimes called anti-stress vitamin as it improves body`s ability to withstand stress. It also strengthens the immune system, fights depression, and assists healthy functioning of the nervous system. Thiamine is involved in several enzyme functions associated with the metabolism of carbohydrates and fatty acids. Severe thiamine deficiencies are rare (except in critically ill people and alcoholics) and they are associated with genetic diseases such as maple syrup urine disease and beriberi. Thiamine imbalances can result from poor dietary intake, reduced gastrointestinal absorption, increased metabolic requirements, or excessive loss of thiamine due to genetic variations.
- Vitamin B2 Deficiency
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is involved in vital metabolic processes in the body. It is necessary for energy production and normal cell function and growth. It is also crucial in helping other B vitamins undergo the chemical changes that make them useful and plays an important role in iron absorption. Emerging research shows that riboflavin may play a role in cancer prevention as well as helping with migraine headaches. Lower levels of riboflavin can cause weakness, throat swelling/soreness, a swollen tongue, skin cracking (including cracked corners of the mouth), hair loss, dermatitis, and anemia. Riboflavin deficiency can also affect vision. Symptoms include blurred vision/ burning, itching, watering, sore or bloodshot eyes, light-sensitive, and easily fatigued. People with some genetic variations need to monitor their Vitamin B2 intake. Excess riboflavin is excreted through the urine (often temporarily causing urine to turn a bright yellow color several hours after taking it) and there is no common risk associated with an overdose.
- Vitamin B3 Deficiency
Vitamin B3 (niacin or nicotinic acid) is essential for normal functioning of digestive and nervous systems, dealing with oxidative stress, DNA repair, and skin health. It is important in metabolism of fat, carbohydrates, and alcohol. Severe niacin deficiencies are rare and are usually found in areas of malnutrition. Consumption of large quantities of alcohol contributes to the risk of niacin deficiencies. This can cause nausea, headaches, tiredness, decreased tolerance to cold, dry and inflamed skin. Several genetic variants are associated with increased risk of niacin imbalances.
- Vitamin B5 Deficiency
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) is essential to many biochemical reactions in all forms of life (including plants and animals). Vitamin B5 is required for the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, maintenance of a healthy digestive system, production of red blood cells, sex and stress related hormones. While severe vitamin B5 deficiencies are very rare, imbalances may cause fatigue, depression, irritability, nausea, and upper respiratory infections.
- Vitamin B6 deficiency
Vitamin B6 (and its derivative pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, PLP) are involved in numerous essential processes such as protein metabolism, normal functioning of immune and nervous systems, production of hemoglobin, and maintenance of normal levels of homocysteine. Vitamin B6 in addition to Vitamin B2, B9 (folate), and choline facilitates the methylation cycle which is fundamental to life. Even slight imbalances in Vitamin B6 levels are linked to various conditions. Symptoms of a Vitamin B6 imbalance include nerve inflammation, irritability, depression, dermatitis, cracked and sore lips, inflamed tongue and mouth, and confusion. Several studies identified genetic variants associated with lower levels of vitamin B6.
- Vitamin B7 Deficiency
Vitamin B7 (or biotin) is required by all organisms. It is important for converting food into glucose, which is then used to produce energy, fatty acids, and amino acids. Biotin is also essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system as well as the maintenance of skin and mucous membranes, activating metabolism in the hair roots, and fingernail cells. Biotin can only be obtained through diet as it is synthesized exclusively by plants, bacteria, yeast, and algae. Genetic variations in biotinidase enzyme are associated with lower levels of biotin. Symptoms of biotin imbalance include hair loss, brittle fingernails, fatigue, insomnia, and depression.
- Vitamin B9 Deficiency
Vitamin B9 (folate) is essential for vital processes such as DNA synthesis, methylation, cell repair and maintenance, protein metabolism, and the formation of blood cells. It is very important for pregnant women and women who are trying to conceive. Folic acid and folate are often used interchangeably; but folic acid is the type of folate found in vitamin supplements and fortified foods. Folate deficiencies are associated with anemia, elevated levels of homocysteine, pregnancy complications, and increased risk of cardiovascular diseases.
- Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is required for normal functioning of brain, nervous and digestive systems, and red blood cell formation. It is involved in DNA synthesis, fatty acid, and amino acid metabolism. Vitamin B12 can be only manufactured by bacteria which is generally found in animal food sources. Slight imbalances in Vitamin B12 can lead to anemia, fatigue, stomach inflammation, and affect nervous system. No toxic or adverse effects have been associated with large intakes of vitamin B12 from food or supplements in healthy people. Genetic variants in several genes, including FUT2, MTHFR, MTRR, and TCN2, have been linked to levels of vitamin B12.
- Vitamin C Deficiency
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble compound that is critical in numerous vital processes. Vitamin C is essential for normal functioning of immune system, production of red blood cells, healthy connective tissues, blood vessels, bones, teeth, and gums. It is a powerful antioxidant and also participates in iron absorption. While vitamin C deficiencies are rare in developed countries, higher blood levels of vitamin C has been linked to vitality, longevity, lower risk of death from all causes, including cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Vitamin C is commonly taken during winter months to help fight off colds. If you spend considerable amounts of time in the gym, consider boosting your Vitamin C levels. People who suffer continuously from colds, as well as smokers and heavy drinkers, would benefit from higher intake of Vitamin C. Since the human body cannot produce Vitamin C, it must acquire this essential vitamin on a daily basis through diet. Scientific studies identified several genetic variations associated with lower levels of Vitamin C.
- Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is critical to bone and muscle health, normal functioning of immune, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems. Vitamin D can be synthesized in the skin upon exposure to sunlight: it is metabolized into active form and regulates hundreds of genes by binding to vitamin D receptor (VDR). There is a steady increase in cases of severe vitamin D deficiencies in developed countries, mainly due to sun protection measures. Other factors that contribute to vitamin D deficiency include environmental conditions (air pollution, geographical locations), as well as dark skin, being over 50, family history of osteoporosis, excessive weight, and genetics. Large-scale studies identified genetics variants in several genes (including the vitamin binding receptor, VDR; vitamin binding protein GC, and NAD coenzyme) that contribute to vitamin D deficiencies.
- Vitamin E Deficiency
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient that includes eight different naturally occurring compounds (four tocopherols and four tocotrienols). Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant helping to protect cells from the damage caused by free radicals. It is required for normal functioning of immune system, blood vessels, and many other organs in the body. Vitamin E reduces the risk of life-threatening blood clots. Studies showed that higher levels of Vitamin E are beneficial for healthy cardiovascular system, prevention of cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and fatty liver disease. It is sometimes used for improving physical endurance, increasing energy, reducing muscle damage after exercise, and improving muscle strength. Vitamin E is also essential for healthy skin as it has both anti-inflammatory and photo-protective properties. Vitamin E imbalances are relatively common; it is generally caused by diet that does not include sufficient amounts of good fats, fat malabsorption disorders, and genetic variations.
- Vitamin K Deficiency
Vitamin K is a group of fat-soluble vitamins (including phylloquinone, or vitamin K1, phytonadione, and K2, menaquinone) that is essential for promoting healthy blood clotting, and healthy bones. Growing body of research indicates that optimum intake of Vitamin K contributes to longevity. Vitamin K plays protective role against many modern diseases, including atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, diabetes, and some types of cancer. Low Vitamin K intake increases the risk of excessive bleeding, mineralization of blood vessels, and also risk of bone fractures. Vitamin K is often used to treat skin to remove spider veins, bruises, scars, stretch marks, burns and it has been known to expedite healing. Genetic variations contribute to Vitamin K imbalances. In fact, some variants have been linked to higher levels of circulating phylloquinone levels, while others contribute to lower vitamin K levels.
- Lutein and Zeaxanthin Deficiency
Lutein and Zeaxanthin (LZ) are yellow to red xanthophylls, a type of naturally occurring carotenoids. They are found in high concentrations in the macula of the human eye. In fact, the small yellowish area of the eye retina near the optic disk that provides central vision, is called the "macula lutea", from the Latin macula (spot) and lutea (yellow). Lutein and Zeaxanthin block blue light from reaching the underlying structures in the retina which then reduces the risk of light-induced oxidative damage. This, in turn, reduces macular degeneration and cataracts which are the leading causes of visual impairment and acquired blindness in the world. Lutein and Zeaxanthin also have important general antioxidant functions in the body. Along with other natural antioxidants,including vitamin C, beta carotene, and vitamin E, they guard the body from damaging effects of free radicals. Lutein may also contribute to protection against atherosclerosis (buildup of fatty deposits in arteries). This disease leads to most heart attacks.
- Lycopene Deficiency
Lycopene is a bright red carotene. It gives many fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, watermelons, papayas, pink grapefruits, and red carrots, their characteristic red color. Lycopene is the most powerful antioxidant that is commonly found in diet as it has a high capacity to remove free radicals. It also helps to protect the skin from sunlight damage. Lycopene is present at higher levels in skin, liver, lungs, prostate, colon, and adrenal glands. Scientific studies have linked higher consumption of lycopene rich foods with reduced risk of various diseases, including cardiovascular disease, asthma, some cancers, and age-related vision problems. Unfortunately, Lycopene does not possess an official status as being an essential nutrient. Nevertheless, it is widely considered beneficial for immune system, skin and eye health.
- Glutathione Deficiency
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that is produced naturally by the liver. It is involved in tissue building, immune response, nutrient metabolism, and regulation of cellular events, including cell proliferation and apoptosis. Glutathione is often called the master antioxidant as it scavenges free radicals, peroxides, lipid peroxides and heavy metals. Glutathione is required for proper utilization and functioning of other antioxidants such as vitamins C, E, selenium and carotenoids. Glutathione deficiency contributes to oxidative stress, which plays a key role in aging and the age-related diseases. Genetic variations (and deletions) in genes (GPX1 GSTP1 GSTT1 GSTM1) lead to lower production and activity of glutathione compromising its detoxification capacity. There is a growing scientific evidence that glutathione helps control inflammation, fight infections, and boost immune system. It has been used to treat acne and as a skin lightening agent. Glutathione occurs naturally in many foods but its absorption from fruits and vegetables may be low. Adequate amounts of protein increases the production of glutathione in our bodies.
- Sensitivity to Salt
Sodium, the primary element we get from salt, is essential for life. It is important for multiple body functions from maintaining the proper balance of water and minerals, to conducting nerve impulses, and muscle contractions. Too much sodium in the diet can lead to fluid retention, and high blood pressure. If this becomes chronic, it can lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and congestive heart failure. Individuals vary considerably in their response to sodium intake, and salt-sensitivity (a measure of how your blood pressure responds to salt intake) is at least in part determined by genetics. The mechanisms underlying salt sensitivity are complex. The kidney is critical to overall fluid and electrolyte balance and long-term regulation of blood pressure.
- Iron Deficiency
Iron is an essential mineral that our bodies need for many functions. Iron is a key element in the metabolism of almost all living organisms. It is a part many proteins, including oxygen-carrying proteins, hemoglobin (found in red blood cells) and myglobin (found in muscle cells). Iron is also an essential component of antioxidant enzymes and metabolizing enzymes (cytochromes). Absorption, transport and storage of iron are tightly regulated, as iron is both an essential and potentially toxic. Iron deficiency is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world. Symptoms of iron deficiency may include fatigue, rapid heart rate and palpitations. Iron deficiency may interfere with physical and athletic performance. Young children, women of childbearing age, as well as vegetarians and vegans, are at higher risk of iron deficiency.
- Iron Overload
While iron is an essential mineral, too much iron may damage your body. Genetic variations affect how much iron is absorbed leading to iron overload despite normal iron intake. The excess of iron in the body can lead to fatigue, anorexia, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headache, weight loss, and shortness of breath. Some people have a genetic disorder of iron metabolism, called hereditary haemochromatosis (HH) dubbed the Celtic Curse as people of Celtic ancestry are at higher risk for carrying the HH variants. As many as one in 10 people have at least one genetic variation associated with iron overload. These people are carriers and they can pass the gene on to their children but will not get the medical condition. Carriers, as well as other people who have variants in genes that regulate iron absorption, can still have iron build up, in particular if they consume alcohol in excess, or suffer from liver inflammation.
- Calcium Deficiency
Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, and a major constituent of bones and teeth. It plays a central role in the functions of your nervous system, muscles, controlling blood vessel and insulin secretion. Calcium levels are tightly regulated. It is important to get enough calcium as long term calcium deficiency can result in bone loss and osteoporosis. Calcium requirements increase after age of 50 for women and after age of 70 for men. Meeting your daily calcium intake long-term health benefits: from reducing your risk of osteoporosis to regulating your blood pressure levels to decreasing chances for some types of cancer. Human body does not produce calcium, so you must get it through dietary sources. Too high calcium levels in the blood (hypercalcemia) are not good either as they may weaken the bones, contribute to kidney, heart and brain problems. It is important to consult your health care provider if you are considering taking calcium supplementation.
- Magnesium Deficiency
Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in numerous physiological pathways, including energy metabolism, nerve control, neurotransmitter release, and blood pressure regulation. Magnesium is an important electrolyte needed for proper muscle function, strong bones and good heart health. Magnesium imbalances have been linked to various complications such as muscle cramps, constipation, poor sleep, tension or migraine headaches, anxiety and depression, chronic fatigue and premenstrual syndrome. In a long term, magnesium deficiency has been associated with higher risk of osteoporosis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, insulin sensitivity. Several genetic variants have been associated with magnesium levels: some variants contribute to lower levels of magnesium, while others are associated with higher magnesium.
- Phosphorus Deficiency
Phosphorus is another essential mineral that is required by every cell in the body for normal functioning. It is the second most abundant mineral in the body. It contributes to healthy bone mineralization and healthy teeth maintenance. In fact, about 85% of the body's phosphorus is in bones and teeth. In addition, phosphorus plays role in cell signaling, energy production, digestion, hormonal balance, proper nutrient utilization as well as muscle and nerve functioning. While serious dietary phosphorus deficiency is uncommon, low calcium-to-phosphorus intake ratio may be detrimental to bone health, especially in women at increased risk for osteoporosis. Symptoms of phosphorus deficiency include weak bones, stiff joints, numbness, weakness, loss of appetite, anxiety. Too much phosphorus is not good either as it affects the balance of minerals in the body.
- Zinc Deficiency
Zinc is an essential trace mineral that is needed for all forms of life. Zinc is required for many regulatory, catalytic, and structural processes in the body. It plays important role in healthy functioning of immune system, wound healing, cell division, and protein synthesis. Zinc is also needed for the senses of smell and taste. Zinc deficiency has been linked to impaired immune system function, increased colds and infections, diarrhea, loss of appetite, delayed wound healing, hair loss, taste abnormalities, and mental lethargy. Because zinc helps repair damaged tissues and heal wound, it is used in skin care products to treat acne and skin irritations. Several genetic variants have been associated with lower levels of zinc.
- Selenium Deficiency
Selenium (Se) is an essential trace mineral that plays important role in healthy functioning of reproductive and immune systems, and thyroid gland. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant, and it is a part of more than two dozen selenoproteins that act in synergy with vitamin C, vitamin E and glutathione. Selenium deficiencies in general population are more frequent in the areas with low levels of selenium in the soil. In the US, selenium concentrations in the soil are higher in Midwestern and Western States than in the South and Northeast. In the UK, according to several studies, many soils are deficient in selenium. Very low concentrations of selenium in some areas of China led to government-sponsored supplementation program. Individuals with selenium imbalances are more susceptible to physiological responses to stress. Research suggests that optimal selenium intake contributes to lower risk of age-related chronic diseases, longevity, and boosts fertility. Several genetic variations have been found to be associated with lower levels of selenium. Life-style factors that contribute to selenium imbalances include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, oral contraception, and auto-immune conditions (such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease).
- Copper Deficiency
Copper is another essential trace mineral that has a number of important functions in the human body. It is a co-factor in many oxidation-reduction reactions and it plays important role in health of blood vessels, nerves, immune system, bones, and connective tissues (hair, skin, nails, tendons, ligaments). It is integral for energy production, formation of collagen, iron absorption. Copper has been used by the ancient Egyptians to sterilize drinking water and wounds, and Hippocrates used copper for variety of disorders. Copper is now been added to skin-care products to reduce the appearance of fine lines, and boost skin elasticity. Severe copper deficiency is rare, and may be caused by malnutrition, disorders that impair nutrient absorption (Crohn's disease), some surgeries, and medications. Several genetic variants were associated with copper levels and they may contribute to copper imbalances that are linked to impaired immune function, contribute to anemia, and premature skin aging.
- Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a fat-soluble natural compound primarily synthesized by the body. It is also consumed in the diet. Coenzymes generally help enzymes to ensure biochemical reactions run smoothly. CoQ10 is found in every cell of the body as it is needed for basic cellular functions. Cell mitochondria requires CoQ10 to produce energy for cell growth and maintenance. CoQ10 is present in higher concentrations in organs with higher energy requirements such as the kidneys, liver, and heart. Cellular CoQ10 also functions as an antioxidant. Taking a combination of nutrients that include CoQ10 has been found to benefit patients with cardiovascular disorders, including quicker recovery from surgeries. Studies identified common genetic variants that are significantly associated with Q10 levels. One of the tested genetic variations is in the NQO1 gene that helps to convert CoQ10 to a a bioavailable form, ubiquinol. People with genetic variations in the NQO1 gene may not be able to make that transformation. According to the Mayo clinic, CoQ10 levels decline gradually with age. In addition, some prescription drugs may lower CoQ10 levels. Rare genetic defects that cause primary CoQ10 deficiency (which is a severe disorder that severely compromises neuronal and muscular function), are not tested by Lifenome.

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